Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cap'n Blood(Chain Writing project)

Once upon a time there was a great pirate named Cap'n Blood and he had red hair and red beard. He wore red clothes and a red hat. His teeth was red, too! He liked to fish, so he went fishing to the sea. The captain caught a big fish. However, the fish went into the sea again, pulling the captain with itself.
Meanwhile, the crews on the ship Bloody Blood was concered about about their captain. So they sailed the ship towards the sea. They found a giant fish and they saw their captain on the fish. The captain's sword was stabed on the center of the fish's forehead. The crews prepared the cannons, but the captain said, "Don't shoot! Shoot when I command!" So the crews waited. The captain climed down to the fish's mouth and shot at the fish's mouth with a pistol. The fish opened it's mouth. The captain climed up to the fish's top fin and shouted "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!" All the crews shot their cannons and it all went into the fish's mouth. The fish jumped up in terror and fell down towards the sea, dead. The captain pulled out his sword and tasted the blood of the fish. The crews all puked, but they were relieved that the captain was safe now. The fish's body didn't sink yet. The captain said, "What are you looking at, you morons! Catch the fish and pull me up to the ship!"
The crews suddenly disappeared from the deck, and then reappeared with nets prepared. After 20 minutes, the fish was tied besides the ship and the captain was on the deck. The ship went back to Bloody Day harbor. The Bloody Swords town's people were all shocked to see the fish. The captain saw it and said, "Today, I allow all of you to eat this fish meat! If the smith gives me a red sword!" The smith hesitated, and then said,"Aye yay Cap'n!" and rushed towards the factory.
That night, the full moon appeared. It was brighter than usual. The fire for frying the fish was burning high towards the moon. Werewolves joined the party, too. All sorts of creatures gathered. Cap'n Blood, holding his blood-filled red cup, said, "Tomorrow we will all be enemies. However, let's join this night at least!"

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