Tuesday, August 16, 2011

go to this site and watch the second video

New skill post1

I think that everyone would think that learning English in abroad with fun activities is the best way for learning
English. If it includes good, experienced teachers, it'd be very good. There are two camps that contains going  abroad and fun activities. One is Ranch West Camp and the other is Head Start Splash. I am going to compare and contrast these two camps. Think about what camp will be better to go.

 Ranch West Camp is in Canada and it conains natural activities such as Horseback Riding, River rafting, and so on. However, don't  you think these activities can be dangerous? Kids can fall down of the horse or drown. Also, the teachers are not experienced teachers. They are students who recently graduated college. Because if their lack of experience, children can't get enough safety services. As you know, teachers with a lot of xperiences knows  what to do in emergency. There are things that the books do not tell you. You should know it by exoerience. Also, being a teacher especially requires a lot of experience. Do you think you can do something with having some lectures? No! You have to do it several times to know what to do.

Now, let me introduce you the Head Start Splash Camp. This is a camp in the Philippines. Actually, it is in an island, close to the beach. This camp contains natural activities such as fishing, trip to a local butterfly garden, and so on. This is a four week camp, and it is 1 week longer than the Ranch West Camp in Canda.
Well, back to the activities. The activities are all safe. Nobody gets hurt by butterflies. The teachers here are all local teachers with bachelor's degree. They have more experiences and they are more learned.

Now, what camp would you like to choose? I would choose the Head Start Splash Camp. First, for the safety, and second, for the learned teachers. Going abroad and fun activities don't count because Camp Ranch West has those too. English, not to mention, is used in both camps.But still, Head Start Splash has more benefits. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Skill Post2

Article : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninja
The first 4 paragraphs
Ninjas were Japenese agents. They disguised or just hid into their mission's place. The ninjas would set fire in one's castle or collect information secretly. They killed people, too. Ninjas were made in about 14th century.
Ninjas were called shinobi in 15th period. Ninjas were sent to China's millitary in 17 and 18th century. Ninjas were mysterious agents and became popular among Japenese.
Ninjas were Japanese agents. They disguised or hid for mission. The ninjas set fire or collected information. They killed people. They were called shinboi in 15th century. They were sent to China in 17 and 18 century.
Ninjas are popular in Japan.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Skill Post 2

Title : Shark attacks
Many people are afraid of being attacked of sharks in the sea. However, the chances to be attacked by a shark is very low. It is more likely to be struck by a lightning or drown than to be attacked by sharks. However, if you are still worried, you can move by groups or stay out of water if you have a cut. It's because sharks dont attack groups easily and they can smell blood well.

Title : Shark attacks
People worry about being attacked by sharks. It's more likely to be struck by a lightning or drown than being attacked by sharks. Sharks dont attack groups and they can smell blood well so you should be in groups or not go to water with cuts.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


This guy is Nineheart. He's the one who makes plans for attacking enemies. The Cygnus knights follow his orders and always fight bravely. The Cygnus knights usually fight with the group Blackwing, and I'll explain about them later. I hope I could show you the picture of Cygnus, too, but this computer doesn't let me to paste any more pictures. I'll explain about Blackwing and cygnus later.
picture from : http://spadow.wordpress.com/

Cygnus Knights

I hope almost everyone would know the game Maplestory. What I will write about is Maplestory.The picture above is a picture of Cygnus Knights. I am going to write about them(they are Maplestory characters). The blond hair boy on top is the captain of Soulmasters. Soulmasters are men who gets power by the light elf, soul.Yeah, it's funny, but it's name is soul. It's yellow and it's like a floating flame.
The red girl is a Flame Wizard and she is the captain of Flame Wizards. Flame Wizards are a group
who gets power by the fire elf, Flame. It's like a floating yellow flame. The green girl is a Windbreaker and she gets power by the wind elf, and I don't know it's name. I heard that it's like a green floating flame.
The black clothed-boy with a mask is a Night  Walker, and he gets power by the drk elf, Darkniece. It has horns on it's head and it's a purple floating ball. The blue boy is a Striker, who gets power by the lightning elf, and I don't know it's name or color. I only know it's a floating flame.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Food of Italy

This is a picture of an Italian food altogether. The foods here are the amount that family eats for one week.
There is bread, mostly bagets. They also have vegetables such as salary. I think they have fish, too. They have things to drink, too. This family has fruits,too. I think this family here eats enough food. The Italyian family here has no worry about starving. However, look down at the picture under this picture.

There needed to be a picture of a poor family in Africa, but this stupid computer doesn't let me put it here.
I think it's an error. Whatever, the family eats raw crop because they do not have the modern machines to make them soft enough to eat. This famiy's house is made of animal fur, and it isn't wide enough. Also, they do not have meat. They only have vegetables. Even those vegetables are a few and are they have no seasonings, niether. The foods here are just the amount my family can eat for one day, but this family eats this for one week!
reference :  http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1626519,00.html

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cap'n Blood(Chain Writing project)

Once upon a time there was a great pirate named Cap'n Blood and he had red hair and red beard. He wore red clothes and a red hat. His teeth was red, too! He liked to fish, so he went fishing to the sea. The captain caught a big fish. However, the fish went into the sea again, pulling the captain with itself.
Meanwhile, the crews on the ship Bloody Blood was concered about about their captain. So they sailed the ship towards the sea. They found a giant fish and they saw their captain on the fish. The captain's sword was stabed on the center of the fish's forehead. The crews prepared the cannons, but the captain said, "Don't shoot! Shoot when I command!" So the crews waited. The captain climed down to the fish's mouth and shot at the fish's mouth with a pistol. The fish opened it's mouth. The captain climed up to the fish's top fin and shouted "FIRE!!!!!!!!!!" All the crews shot their cannons and it all went into the fish's mouth. The fish jumped up in terror and fell down towards the sea, dead. The captain pulled out his sword and tasted the blood of the fish. The crews all puked, but they were relieved that the captain was safe now. The fish's body didn't sink yet. The captain said, "What are you looking at, you morons! Catch the fish and pull me up to the ship!"
The crews suddenly disappeared from the deck, and then reappeared with nets prepared. After 20 minutes, the fish was tied besides the ship and the captain was on the deck. The ship went back to Bloody Day harbor. The Bloody Swords town's people were all shocked to see the fish. The captain saw it and said, "Today, I allow all of you to eat this fish meat! If the smith gives me a red sword!" The smith hesitated, and then said,"Aye yay Cap'n!" and rushed towards the factory.
That night, the full moon appeared. It was brighter than usual. The fire for frying the fish was burning high towards the moon. Werewolves joined the party, too. All sorts of creatures gathered. Cap'n Blood, holding his blood-filled red cup, said, "Tomorrow we will all be enemies. However, let's join this night at least!"

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Skill post1

I think that everyone would think that learning English in abroad with fun activities is the best way for learning
English. If it includes good, experienced teachers, it'd be very good. There are two camps that contains going  abroad and fun activities. One is Ranch West Camp and the other is Head Start Splash. I am going to compare and contrast these two camps. Think about what camp will be better to go.

 Ranch West Camp is in Canada and it conains natural activities such as Horseback Riding, River rafting, and so on. However, don't  you think these activities can be dangerous? Kids can fall down of the horse or drown. Also, the teachers are not experienced teachers. They are students who recently graduated college. Because if their lack of experience, children can't get enough safety services. As you know, teachers with a lot of xperiences knows  what to do in emergency. Do you think you can do something with having some lectures? No! You have to do it several times to know what to do.

Now, let me introduce you the Head Start Splash Camp. This is a camp in the Philippines. Actually, it is in an island, close to the beach. This camp contains natural activities such as fishing, trip to a local butterfly garden, and so on. This is a four week camp, and it is 1 week longer than the Ranch West Camp in Canda.
Well, back to the activities. The activities are all safe. Nobody gets hurt by butterflies. The teachers here are all local teachers with bachelor's degree. They have more experiences and they are more learned.

Now, what camp would you like to choose? I would choose the Head Start Splash Camp. First, for the safety, and second, for the learned teachers. Going abroad and fun activities don't count because Camp Ranch West has those too. English, not to mention, is used in both camps.But still, Head Start Splash has more benefits.